<span><span>1.Who: information should always be asked of patients or their caretakers and should never be gathered by observation alone </span><span>2.When: information should be collected upon admission or patient registration to ensure that appropriate fields are completed when the patient begins treatment, or for plans, when the individual enrolls (as permitted by state law) </span><span>3.What:<span>Questions about the OMB race and Hispanic ethnicity categories (one- or two-question format permitted)A question about granular ethnicity with locally relevant response categories selected from a national standard setA question to determine English-language proficiency.A question about language preference needed for effective communication </span></span><span>4.Where: data should be stored in a standard format for easy linking to clinical data </span><span>5.How: patient concerns should be addressed when the information is being obtained, and staff should receive ongoing training and evaluation</span></span>