Animal action is physical weathering
This is the chronicle of evolution over millions of years of geologic time engraved in the order which fossils appear in rock strata.
Poor drainage or improper watering
Water issues — either too much or too little — are the leading reason behind yellow leaves. In overly wet soil, roots can't breathe. They suffocate, shut down and stop delivering the water and nutrients plants need. Underwatering, or drought, has a similar effect.
C. how close earth is to the sun
If Clark had no ions in his nervous system, he would not be able to generate an action potentials.
An action potential occurs when a stimulus causes sodium channels to open in a neuron. Sodium floods in, making the inside of the cell more negative and the outside more positive. This is known as depolarization. Then, the Potassium channels open to allow Potassium out (Repolarization). A few too many K+ ions will leave the cell (Hyperpolarization), and finally, the Sodium-Potassium pump will bring the cell back to resting potential.
As you can see, the Sodium and Potassium ions are <em>essential</em> to action potentials in the nervous system. If Clark had no ions in his system, he would not be able to send any action potentials at all.