Unfortunately, multiplying and dividing decimals this effect does not occur. In some cases, the decimal number even complicates the operatsii.Dlya beginning, we introduce a new definition. We will meet him very often, and not only in this part of uroke.Znachaschaya - is all that is between the first and the last non-zero digit, including the ends. It's only about numbers, the decimal point is not uchityvaetsya.Tsifry included in the meaningful part of the number, are called significant figures. They may be repeated or even be zero.
0.36 = 36/100 = 9/25
so the simplest form is 9/25
▪ Answer:
▪ Step-by-step explanation:
Hi there !
6/2(1 + 2) =
= 3/1 × 3
= 3×3/1
= 9
Good luck !
The correct answer is x > 2.
Step-by-step explanation:

An inequality compares two quantities unlike an equality. An inequality is written with either a greater than ( > ) or lower than ( < ) or greater than equal to (
) or less than equal to (
) signs. We solve the above given inequality to find the solutions of the unknown x.

Firstly we change the right hand side quantity to fraction.
We then transfer the -
to the right hand side and add them. The inequality sign does not change as we are simply adding or subtracting terms from both the ends.
Finally we divide both sides with
to get the required solution. The inequality sign does not change as we are multiplying both the ends with a positive quantity.
This gives us the answer as x > 2.