Most people, if not all in the US always want to live the American dream at some point in their lives. But the question is, what is the meaning of the American dream, and how can people achieve this vague and elusive realisation? The American dream is a national philosophy or a belief that specifies the ideal factors such as democracy, freedom, rights and equality that accords every citizen equal opportunity to prosper and achieve their set goals (Glenn, 2002). The foundation of the American dream is deeply rooted in the declaration of independence that assert that “all men are created equal”. In simple terms, the American dream eliminates the artificial barriers to prosperity and promotes upward social mobility for every individual in the US depending on their hard work irrespective of their, social, religious, historical and racial background. The American dream is a slogan that is selling across the globe and up to date we see millions of people crossing the American borders as immigrants in search of this dream that cannot otherwise be achieved in their homelands. The American dream is a reality as we see it through how different people in the US have developed and better their own ingenuity and achieve their goals through their best efforts. Making this dream a reality is not a straight path as it is all about overcoming the challenges which at the end of the day differentiates a resilient individual from the rest.