Red blood cells or erythrocytes carry oxygen to the cells of the body so that they can have energy and function properly. This is not the only function of red blood cells. Also, they carry dioxide, which is a waste product that needs to be out of our body. Erythrocytes carry the dioxide to the lungs, specifically to the alveoli. In the alveoli due to the inhalation, oxygen enters our body traveling up to the lungs, specifically to the alveoli, where thanks to the thin wall of it as well as the one on the capillaries that are in contact with it, the dioxide enters the lungs to be expelled in the exhalation, and the oxygen is taken by the red blood cells to be used in the cellular respiration and generate energy to keep the vital functions of our body.
An organic compound<span> is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical </span>compounds<span> whose molecules contain carbon. From this, you could be able to find the answer.</span>
The line graph illustrates the temperatures in London, New York and Sydney on monthly average and the table introduces the information about the annual hours of sunshine for these cities. The overall view is that London is always exceeded by the rest in both the temperature and the number of sunshine hours.
To specify, the line graph shows that in New York, the average temperature goes up slightly from 4.5 degree in January to 8 degree in March, before a more significant increase to the highest of 30 degree in July, followed by a drop to 5 degree in December. Similarly, in London, after climbing gradually from the lowest point of 9 degree to the highest of 23 degree in July, the figure stays unchanged in the next month and then fall to 9.5 degree in December.
On the contrary, in Sydney, the temperature decrease insignificantly from 25.5 degree in January to the lowest of 16 degree in July, before a gradual rise to 25 degree in December. Meanwhile, the table indicates that New York has the largest number of sunshine hours per year with 2535 hours, came after by Sydney and London with 2473 hours and 1180 hours respectively.
In conclusion, London is likely to be the coldest city because its annual hours of sunshine is less than two others.
Structure and Function is my answer