The Declaration of Independence did not spark any hostility because by the time Thomas Jefferson wrote it and it was sign in the fourth of July in 1776, all the colony's representatives were in agreement. However, the Continental Congress was very tense when independence came into question. When British troops attacked Concord, there was no choice but to decide what was next and after hostility occurred here, the congress voted to stay loyal but King George III said that their congress was illegal and all involved could be hanged so eventually the colonists agreed to be independent. So to simply answer your question, the colonists did face hostility while deciding if they should be independent or stay loyal to Britain, but the Declaration of Independence signed when the colonists were in agreement so there wasn't any hostility between them at that point.
There are ADVANTAGE of legalizing baby bins or baby hatches which are typically used to leave the newborn babies by their parent who do not want them for certain reasons and abandon them there.
This can save many lives of the newborns as the other way people might choose is killing the babies or abandoning them at places where no one might ever find them.
The baby left there will have a positive opportunity to flourish in the society unlike the one left at street as the hatches are monitored by law.
There can be some DISADVANTAGES as well to the scheme as it might help promote immoral behaviors in society. A key factor in stopping immoral activities is the fear of society, and baby bins remove that fear. Another risk can be of an increasing tendency of rapes where people might think its OK to give birth to children and then leave them to baby bins.
The purpose of speech is to pass knowledge down through generations and to commuinicate to others