The whales tail which is called fluke are used for swimming and also used when they stick their tail out of the water into the air, swing it around, and the slap it on the water's surface.
Its used as validity, and quality of the articles. The main purpose of it is to filter out poor or invalid articles.
The cell is in METAPHASE PHASE OF MEIOSIS. At this phase, the pairs of homologous chromosomes moves to the cell equator. These pairs of homologous chromosomes will be separated in anaphase I. The number of chromosomes remains constant until the first cell division is completed, then the chromosomes will be divided into two daughter cells.
Biodiversity is a variation of organisms (plants, animals and bacteria) in the world or a specific habitat. Biodiversity helps to keep an ecosystem healthy because there is more variation of food and different organisms can rely on each other for survival. Also it offers a larger more reliable food chain and if one species is suddenly wiped out, it won't impact the ecosystem as much as it would if the biodiversity was smaller.