Answer and Explanation:
From the following given case/scenario, we can state that when these manual languages are being used regularly at home, then the children that have hearing impairments will show the language development which might be able to closely resembles or copy a typical order or sequence and the timing of these spoken language development in the hearing of the children.
Below are <span>basic features of colonial politics, including the role of various official and informal political institutions:
- issued the Dominion of New England, which denied the autonomy of settlements from Maine to Pennsylvania
- Dominion of NE: James II needed strict control over states focused on NE for changes
- denies CT/RI contract and consolidation/w Mass Bay and Plymouth-from Maine to Penn.
- displayed after provincial manage England pushed on Ireland~ canceled authoritative, restricted neighborhood self-lead (town gatherings), nullified land contracts made under unique Mass Bay sanction
- Will and Mary of Orange led as a protected government concentrated on privileges of individuals and met with Parliament</span>
Altitude is height above sea level.
Locations at higher altitude usually have colder temperatures and locations at lower altitudes tend to have higher temperatures
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Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy, who was 1/8 African American, tried to ride in a "whites only" train car, violating a Louisiana law that separate amenities must be provided for people of different races. The Court found that separate accommodations were allowed by the "privileges and immunities" and "equal protection" clauses of the fourteenth amendment as long as they were comparable in quality.
The hieroglyphics was their written language and the papyrus allowed them to write down this language