The municipal source of revenue presented by Moe is grant-in-lieu payments, which are grants based on tax notices, not actual payment of taxes. When these grant-in-lieu payments were slashed, the province coffers were short on 3.5 million in 2018. Now the premier plans to reinstate them, since he said that a urban municipality can't be operated with a zero balance.
The Iron Curtain forms the Western border of the Soviet Satellite nations: all the countries to the West, also called the "West Bloc" were capitalist and the countries on the East are called "East Bloc".
So the relationship was: the Iron Curtain was to the West of the Soviet Satelite nations.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario Kitty is demonstrating resistance to change. This occurs when an individual feels that change is coming and that it is a threat to them, whether it is physical or mental. Which in this scenario Kitty seems to get anxious and uncomfortable with change and believes that she will not be able to handle it.
In simple words, Because it represents the commencement of reasoned or practical reasoning, Piaget believed the tangible stage to be a crucial turning point in a preschooler 's cognitive growth. The kid has reached the age where logical reasoning or procedures (i.e. principles) may be applied, but only to tangible things (thus concrete operational).
The conversion answer is 12014