When the client and therapist have different cultural or ethnic background certain problems could arise, for instance, the misunderstanding of gestures and communication cues. Certain figures, usage of words and other barriers could limit the patient's therapy.Thank you for your question. Please don't hesitate to ask in Brainly your queries.
Social conventional reasoning
Social conventional reasoning is common among adults and adolescents. This kind of reasoning is based on judging the level of morality of a action by comparing with the expectations or views of the society. an individual's obedience to rules are not based on moral reasoning but based on what the society expects.
Fernando's reasoning is conventional because he focuses on the rules of the society to control his behavior.
Items were rationed and very sparse such as butter, sugar, and gas so they had to endure a shortage of many items.
The Court's greatest power is judicial review, the power to strike down laws passed by federal and state legislatures, on the grounds that they violate basic principles in the Constitution.
Explanation: validity shows an indication of how sound your research is. Specification speaking , it applies to both the design and the methods of your research. When considering data collection validity means that your findings truly represent the situation you are claiming to measure.