Gently clean the cut by wiping away blood or dirt with little water and diluted antibacterial liquid soap. Treat with antibiotic ointment. Carefully apply an over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotic cream, such as bacitracin, to minor cuts. Idk-
1) Cómo se clasifican los huesos del esqueleto humano
Los huesos del cuerpo tienen una variedad de tamaños y formas. Los cuatro tipos principales de huesos son largos, cortos, planos e irregulares. Los huesos que son más largos que anchos se llaman huesos largos. Consisten en un eje largo con dos extremos o extremidades voluminosas.
1.0) En español
Los huesos del cuerpo tienen una variedad de tamaños y formas. Los cuatro tipos principales de huesos son largos, cortos, planos e irregulares. Los huesos que son más largos que anchos se llaman huesos largos. Consisten en un eje largo con dos extremos o extremidades voluminosas.
Women tend to reduce body fat as a result of strength training
Strength training involves the performance of physical exercises which are targeted at improving strength and endurance. It is necessary for women to develop and maintain strength as they get older so as to prevent injury and stave off bone loss and osteoporosis. Strength training does not only strengthens muscles, but also the bones that support the muscles also.
Luke would fall in the Healthy category according to the BMI chart
You can lose weight by eating healthier and/or working out more.