The Discipline of Psychology There are three important concepts to remember when defining psychology: science, behavior and mental processes. When defining psychology for a friend I would first simply just give him/her the standard book definition, which is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. But, psychology can be defined in many different ways. Another definition of psychology could be the scientific study of the human mind and its functions such as those affecting behavior
<span>There are two common types: General Obligation Bonds and Revenue Bonds.
GOB: Issued by cities, states or countries and are not primarily secured by assets. The issuer can tax all who apply (citizens, residents, etc) for the bondholders.
RB: Are NOT backed by the government and come from a specific source such as the toll paid for driving on a toll road.</span>
<span>Bandura's concept of self-efficacy and rotter's concept of locus of control are similar in that both theories recognize that the power to succeed in any situation ultimately lies on the ability of the individual to shape the situation. Although outside forces have an impact on our lives, how we react will determine the outcome from situations we find ourselves in.</span>