The standard (and default) port for HTTP<span> servers to listen on is 80, though they can use any port. </span>HTTP<span> is based on the </span>TCP/IP protocols<span>, and is used commonly on the Internet for transmitting web-pages from servers to browsers.</span>
This command opens the file which is passed to it as an argument. We are quite used to the C++'s cin and cout functions contained in iostream library for reading and writing data, however, when working will real-life stuff, we find ourselves working with huge data saved as separate files and require our programs to read them, manipulate them and possibly write back to the files... The first operation usually carried out before a file can be read or written to is open
As it progresses high around an atmosphere, the amount of power through each tropic stage reduces. Little enough as 10% including its power is passed towards the next layer at every primary producers; the remainder is essentially wasted as heat by physiological activities.