Si ocurre la sequía, los agricultores no tienen suficiente agua para sus cultivos y la producción se ve afectada, lo que significa menos alimentos para el consumo humano. El clima y el clima favorables producen una producción agrícola óptima, lo que proporciona alimentos en abundancia para que usted y sus vecinos puedan comer.
por favor, márcame como el más inteligente
hablo ingles pero espero que esto ayude
sorry me no speak that language !
Robert Nozick entitlement theory is a theory of justice.
According to Nozick, the important part is how people got what they have. The result of the distribution of goods is not essential.The three basic principles of Nozick 's theory are:-
1. A 'principle of justice' in 'acquisition':- According to this, this is justification of how people own the common property.
2. A 'principle of justice' in 'transfer':- In this principle it is explained how one can acquire assets from another including gifts .
3. A 'principle of rectification' of 'injustice':- This principle explains that if there are any assets that are acquired unfairly, how can victim request for justice, how can it be rectified.
These principles are closely aligned with 'libertarian theory'.
A. Living with foster parents