I cannot right in here so im gonna put a link to a jamboard so you can see the answer
Savings are money for safe-keeping. The amount that one saves will be more or less the same when one decides to use or withdraw it. Savings can be through one's safe keeping or through a bank. However, interests are low in the bank. Investment, on the other hand, is money put up in chances for income. Good investments can make passive income for a person. Examples of investments are stocks and mutual funds.
The First Amendment GUARANTEES citizens freedom of speech, religion, assembly, of the press, and to petition. Since the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, the government must go by these, which limit its power over the people.
The Market Revolution
The Market Revolution of the nineteenth century radically shifted commerce as well as the way of life for most Americans.
The Market Revolution (1793–1909) in the United States was a drastic change in the manual-labor system originating in the South (and soon moving to the North) and later spreading to the entire world. Traditional commerce was made obsolete by improvements in transportation, communication, and industry. With the growth of large-scale domestic manufacturing, trade within the United States increased, and dependence on foreign imports declined. The dramatic changes in labor and production at this time included a great increase in wage labor. The agricultural explosion in the South and West and the textile boom in the North strengthened the economy in complementary ways.
D. situation analysis
Situation analysis refers to the act of gathering data from the business environment and use the data to make a decision for the company.
The 'data' could come from various sources, such as Customers' testimony, The opinion of experts, or even the past activities that being done by successful competitors. After the data is collected, the managers can use it as a consideration when creating their strategic planning.