The result of loss of topsoil are loss in fertility of soil, loss of water, crop production and hardened soil surface. Therefore, the correct answer to the above question is option A, B, C and D.
When there is a loss of top layer of soil from the earth by any means, natural or artificial, it is known as soil erosion. The soil from one place gets detached and is transported to another area. Planting more and more trees is the one of the way to stop soil erosion as the roots of the plants hold the soil.
When the soil from area is removed there is a loss of production in crop due to various reasons. The most fertile part of the soil occurs in the uppermost part. Therefore, its removal has negative impact.
If you are talking about Alfred Wegener, then his Hypothesis was Continental Drift, a Theory that suggested that all the continents were once one large supercontinent, named Pangaea, But drifted apart from each other over a long period of time.
Indirect methods like mark and recapture become a strong tool to estimate population size or density in species on which it is impossible to apply a direct methods. <em>Because of their biological and ecological characteristics, the Gypsy moth and the Green lizard populations are good examples for which mark and recapture would work well.</em>
There are different methods to study population density. There are direct methods and indirect methods. Among these last ones, we might find the Mark-Recapture technique.
The Mark-Recapture technique assumes that
- <em>the population is closed during the sampling season, there is no mortality nor natality, </em>
- <em>marks in the individual last the whole sampling season, and they do not affect the marked individual or their behavior. </em>
- <em>marked individuals are randomly distributed in the population, and </em>
- <em>all the individuals have the same probability of being sampled.</em>
The method consists of capturing a sample of individuals belonging to the population under study. After capturing the individuals, the researcher marks and releases them again. The third step is to sample again: The researcher captures new individuals and counts how many of them are marked. These marked individuals belong to the first sample.
Indirect methods like this become a strong tool to estimate population size or density in species on which it is impossible to apply a direct method such as <em>counting individuals</em>.
For instance, if we need to estimate insects population density (<u><em>Gypsy moth population</em></u>) or reptiles population density (<u><em>Green lizard population</em></u>) because of their biological and ecological characteristics, the best way of doing it is by applying indirect methods. <em>These species characterize as small-sized, fast to escape, they can hide in small inaccessible places, they have nocturnal habits, their reproductive rate is too high, and their distribution rate is wide. </em>Among many other characteristics, their population density can not be estimated by direct methods. Mark-Recapture technique is the most suitable one.
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if it was sexual reproduction then the offspring will get chromosomes from both parents.
Alfred Marshal was one of the most influential economists of his time and the author of the Principles of Economics book which was the principal economic textbook in England for long years. During his economic theory development, he borrowed a concept from the marginalists which is the theory of demand and the collective result of buyers who yearns services and products or the concept of scarcity.