input() prompts the user to enter information
Caesar cipher
In formation technology, cryptography or cryptology is a process of coding or encrypting information, using algorithms and input values in a network, where there is a present of a third party called adversaries or attackers.
There are different types of cryptography, namely, symmetric, assymmetric and hash cryptography.
Ciphers are algorithms used in cryptography to encode (encrypt) or decode (decrypt) information. An example of cipher is the Ceasar's cipher.
Ceasar cipher is a simple type of substitution cipher that encrpts plain text one character at a time and each coded character depends on the single character and a fixed distance value.
The correct option is A
In project management, earliest finish time for activity A refers to the earliest start time for succeeding activities such as B and C to start.
Assume that activities A and B comes before C, the earliest finish time for C can be arrived at by computing the earliest start-finish (critical path) of the activity with the largest EF.
That is, if two activities (A and B) come before activity C, one can estimate how long it's going to take to complete activity C if ones knows how long activity B will take (being the activity with the largest earliest finish time).
A computer is an electronic device that accept raw data and instructions and process it to give meaningful results.
Windows Server 2008 R2
The Windows Server 2008 R2 is a window server operating system that was developed by Microsoft. The server was developed on the enhancement of the Window Server 2008. This type of window server came with different improvements and benefits (such as power consumption) over the previous window servers in the market.