Microsoft Word refers to a word processing software application or program developed by Microsoft Inc. to enable its users to type, format and save text-based documents.
In Microsoft Word 2019, the users are availed with the ability to edit the word document in the following view type;
I. View Mode.
II. Print Mode.
III. Drift Layout.
To easily and quickly convert text to tables in Microsoft Word, you should insert common separators between the text columns. The common separators or delimiters used when converting a table to text include tabs, paragraph marks, or commas.
Tabs or commas are used to indicate where the texts are divided into table columns while paragraph marks indicate where a new table row begins.
"A set is an unordered collection. A dictionary is an unordered collection of data that stores data in key-value pairs."
Set =>
Collection of non-repetitive elements.
No way to change items.
Dictionary =>
Collection of key-value pairs.
I'm guessing you mean the six external parts as in input and output devices
Here are the six external parts:
>Microphone or USB...I think you can choose either one as they are components outside of the computer/external/ -I/O devices
Answer and Explanation:
Advantages of having large page sizes: Smaller page table, less page faults, less overhead in reading/writing of pages.
Advantages of having small page sizes: reduces internal fragmentation, better with locality of reference.
Digital level logic through machine level
Infrastructure as a Service can be regarded as computing cloud services that allows computation, storage, server in the helps the user to access infrastructure in the cloud
Digital level logic which is in digital circuit that allows boolen expression, it allows signals as well as sequence to be expressed in form of numbers, it is usually view as been complicated but not.
It should be noted that Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) replaces the Digital level logic through machine level of the computer hierarchy with an Internet-based infrastructure.