Answer: Anything above the pH level of 7.0
1. Casandra's teacher should take her to the nurse and just tell the nurse that she got hurt in the playground 2. The teacher should gather more evidence until she knows that something is going on because she can't prove that something is really happening 3. She shouldn't tell the parent yet because they would probably accuse the teacher of doing it 4. If it was the first time , I would feel bad for the girl and just tell her to be careful but if it kept happening, I would tell the principal and her parents and I would feel angry
A “de jure” census tallies people according to their regular or legal residence, whereas a “de facto” census allocates them to the place where enumerated—normally where they spend the night of the day enumerated
Lo siento, no hablo muy bien el español.
La anemia de células falciformes pertenece a un grupo de trastornos conocidos como enfermedad de células falciformes. La anemia de células falciformes es un trastorno hereditario de los glóbulos rojos en el que no hay suficientes glóbulos rojos sanos para transportar oxígeno por todo el cuerpo.
Normalmente, los glóbulos rojos se mueven fácilmente a través de los vasos sanguíneos. En la anemia de células falciformes, la sangre roja tiene forma de hoz o de luna creciente. Estas células pueden atascarse en pequeños vasos sanguíneos, lo que puede ralentizar o bloquear el flujo sanguíneo y el oxígeno a partes del cuerpo.