Answer: Hypersensitivity reaction is a condition in which the normally protective immune system has a harmful effect on the body. It involves harmful immune response following sensitization and subsequent antigen contact. Type IV such as contact dermatitis reactions are delayed and cell-mediated and are the only hypersensitivity reaction that involves sensitized T lymphocytes rather than antibodies.
Maybe you should find a consultant.Remind your self that it was just a dream.dreams are basically made up brain stories that the mind creates They can make you feel happy, sad, or scared. they may seem confusing or perfectly rational.Usually people forget dreams but you get flashbacks this is sign of anxiety!! It is important that you remind yourself that you are safe and that you are not reliving the trauma, no matter how bad it feels. After the flashback is over, try to understand it. Perhaps write it down or talk about it with a trusted friend or a counsellor.
Also just know you are not going crazy, There are some things you can do that can help you manage these reminders of the trauma.I am assuming you are stressed so consider doing (Deep breathing exercises, Meditation, Relaxation to music, Counseling, to help you recognize and release stress,and Sleep Enough) these practices will decrease stress and anxiety . ^-^
Grains is a rich source of protein
It is believed that your brain is still active for 7 minutes after heart failure/death :)
C meditation to calm the heart attacks so they don't kill her