Okay. When it comes to multiplying decimals, you multiply them just like you would do whole numbers. However, solving them by paper, you would add a decimal point into the answer, depending on how many numbers are behind the decimal point in the numbers being multiplied. In this case, the decimal point will go in front of two numbers, because there are two numbers behind the decimal point in -1.2 and 0.4. Know that the answer will be negative, because there is one negative and one positive number.
Multiply both numbers. -1.2 * 0.4 is -0.48. There. The product is -0.48.
The answer is '<span>f(x) is an odd degree polynomial with a positive leading coefficient'.
An odd degree polynomial with a positive leading coefficient will have the graph go towards negative infinity as x goes towards negative infinity, and go towards infinity as x goes towards infinity.
An even degree polynomial with a negative leading coefficient will have the graph go towards infinity as x goes toward negative infinity, and go towards negative infinity as x goes toward infinity.
g(x) would have a a positive leading coefficient with an even degree, as the graph goes towards infinity as x goes towards either negative or positive infinity.
Step-by-step explanation:
we divide by 3 the numerator and the denominator:
(12/3) / (15/3)
we have:
Area truck = 66.25 ft²
Step-by-step explanation:
Area truck = 12.5 x 5.3 = 66.25
The truck will fit. See the answer to you latest question.
If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!
If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!
-Chetan K
your moms weight
Step-by-step explanation:
look stop if you dont want to do your homework dont do it amd get in trouble idc you are sepose to know