use a punnet square, it shows that the dominant trait will give the offspring 75% chance of having the non pink hair phenotype
The reading frame of the sequence would shift, causing a change in the amino acid sequence after that point.
DNA sequencing is important to apply to the human genome. It allows scientists to sequence genes and genomes. Since there is a limit to how many bases can be sequenced in one experiment, larger DNA molecules - as mentioned - have to be 'broken' into smaller fragments before they can be sequenced and re assembled. The normal allelic variant is 1600 base pairs (bp) long and contains three exons. The order of the genes in the beta-globin cluster is 5' - epsilon – gamma-G – gamma-A – delta – beta - 3'.
Plants exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. The oxygen is used for respiration and is also a waste product of photsynthesis. The carbon dioxide is used for photsynthesis.
During the day time, the stomata of the plant will open to let the carbon dioxide in for photsynthesis. Cabron dioxide diffuses into the leaf down a concetration gradient. oxygen will leave the leaf down the concentration gradient.
This process is the gas exchnage of plants.
How stomata open: Stomata open during the dayby absorbing water vapor, become turgid and and open. During the night, the stomata becomes flaccid and floppy. this causes it to close.
Energy is required for the sugar and oxygen to reach their transition state.