Spinal cord is the part of the central nervous system which is used to serve as the main communication link between the body and brain
All of these things are caused by Genes, so your answer is A. When two reproductive cells fuse, their traits are either dominant, or recessive. Dominant traits are displayed.
B: 2.3 grams to 9.8 grams
para la mayoría de los seres vivos son 20
Explanation: alanina, arginina, asparagina, aspartato, cisteína, fenilalanina, glicina, glutamato, glutamina, histidina, isoleucina, leucina, lisina, metionina, prolina, serina, tirosina, treonina, triptófano y valina.
Sin embargo, hay excepciones: en algunos seres vivos el código genético tiene pequeñas modificaciones y puede codificar otros aminoácidos
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