I will be discussing my relationship with a friend and what dialectical tensions we faced altogether. So, when I first met this friend, he was a complete stranger to me and we met in a local market accidentally where our shopping bags got exchanged. We met officially to exchange bags and then got to know each other in a formal discussion. Soon, that bonding developed but there was still uncertainty about this bond
(Predictability/novelty). There was some bizarre tension in my mind to ask him out to meet again but then again it was a kind of some uncomfortable pull that didn't let me do it. When I got to know him better I soon realized that he was too open about his things and experiences and I could not be open the same way about my life(Openness/closeness). Another tension suddenly which we faced was to connect properly and that too how to maintain a bond since we shared quite a bunch of things such as the interest in similar books, TV shows, etc (Autonomy/connectedness).
Learn more about relationships here
Answer: In differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA), it is possible for the problem behavior and reinforced behaviour to coexist while in differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI), it is not.
Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) are both ways to reduce or eliminate unsatisfactory behavior. They aim to change behavior by substituting unwanted behavior with target behavior and removing the reinforcement of unwanted behavior
The difference between DRA and DRI is the compatibility of the behavior that is being reinforced with the existing behavior. While DRA shows an alternative way to behave, DRI only reinforces behavior incompatible with the problem behavior. An example of DRA is is telling a student to raise her hand instead of shouting in class. Here, both of these behaviors are compatible. An example of DRI is telling a child who has a habit of talking while eating to do one or the other.
I think the answer is D.
This seems to make sense because they would most likely want to keep it there but not get it wanting the food. A-C would probably make it mad and they typically leave people alone if they aren't antagonized.
Stalin’s five year plan was launched and approved by the Communist party in 1928. Visualizing a “revolution from above”, Stalin’s goal was the swift industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union.
Overall, Stalin’s Five Year Plans were undoubtedly successful in increasing the country’s industrial output and making the country more self-sufficient ultimately strengthening the economy. However, the social devastation Stalin’s plans resulted in the, poor working conditions of workers
I personally do not think that it deters crime. The death penalty is rarely used unless a criminal has committed an incredibly deadly offense. Due to the fact that it is so rare, I don't believe that it deters crime because most criminals are not worried about receiving the death penalty.