soliloquy: talking to yourself
monologue : talking to others
A monologue is when there's more than one party involved, like two people talking to each other, but essentially all the talking is done by one person. Imagine a parent scolding a child, and the child doesn't respond. Or a comedian performing alone on stage in front of an audience. There's only one person speaking... but to someone else.
A soliloquy also implies only one person talking... but it's mostly in cases where there's no other participant in the communication. Like when you're talking to yourself. So, there's only one person talking again, but not to any one else.
I believe that it is A. division
D) One must look for leverage points to change a system,
Systems thinking is a way of reasoning where businesses as seen as whole entities instead of fragments. Thus, when problems arise, a holistic approach is adopted in solving the matter instead of analyzing them in parts. For the company above, the best leverage point should have been sought to handle the arising problem so that a problem does not arise because of a change. Low leverage points occur when a small force causes a large negative change while high leverage points occur when a small force causes a big positive change.