•Variation: Organism shows variation within a population, these variation could be body size, facial marks, hair color, number of offspring, etc. Also some features shows little or no variation, for example the number of eyes a vertebrate have, etc
•Inheritance: Certain traits are always passed from parents to their offsprings, these traits are called HERITABLE TRAITS. But traits that are exhibited as a result of an environment are termed weak heritable traits.
•High rate of population growth: When the number of offsprings produced in a year is greater than the resources within an environment, such population will experience high rate of mortality.
•Differential Survival and reproduction: The ability possessed by an individual to struggle for survival within it's environment will give rise to more offspring in the next generation.
Atomic Theory:</h2><h2>
The atomic theory of Atoms Summed up is the idea that all matter is made of tiny particles that are imperceptible to the mortal eye; these particles are named Atoms
Paragraph 1:</h2>
John Dalton was the first to consider that all matter was made of tiny particles known as atoms. He invented the idea that matter is formed of atoms varying in weight.
Paragraph 2:</h2>
I created this model of the dissimilarities between three kinds of matter-- solids, liquids, and gases. The distance between atoms in each state tells us what type of matter we observe.
The Drawing is on the file
The End.
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Worldwide circulation and reutilization of carbon atoms, chiefly due to metabolic processes of living organisms. Inorganic carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, is incorporated into organic compounds by photosynthetic organisms; when the organic compounds are broken down in respiration, carbon dioxide is released. Large quantities of carbon are "stored" in the seas and the atmosphere, as well as in fossil fuel deposits.
The youngest crust (shown in red) is near mid ocean ridges and spreading zones. All three rock types in the earth's crust—igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic—can also be recycled back to their original molten magma form. This process occurs when oceanic crust is pushed back into the mantle at subduction zones.