The planning fallacy
The planning fallacy concept was first given by Denial Kahneman in is the most universal and consistent demonstrated cognitive bias that most people do have. There is common misconception related to the planning fallacy is that people underestimate the time, cost and risk that it will take to do something, If they have already experience about the task entails. It is an overly optimistic plan.
<u>For example:</u> A house can be built on time, if there is no payment delay, no employee absences, no hazardous weather conditions. But there is most probably chances of one condition that can occur.
Underestimate the fallacy will lead a project in delaying. Optimism is a great quality but sometimes it creates hazardous when you underestimate time and cost and will leads to the in-completion of the projects.
Southern California and Australia
These are the sunniest and hottest of the places listed
thats wayyyyyy too many questions BUT here is some of this:
A father is the male parent of a child. Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have a parental, legal, and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations. An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the infant, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support. A putative father is a man whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established. A stepfather is a male who is the husband of a child's mother and they may form a family unit, but who generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child.
Secure attachment
Attachment style is different, and different way to deal with the relationship. It is a way to interact and behave in a relationship. In the childhood of a child, it depends on the interaction between parents and children.
Secure attachment is a type of attachment in which a child feels insecure when there loved one is not present there. They feel secure and attached when their parents are nearby to them. When these children feel frightened, they feel secure in their parent's warmth. These children greet their parents when get reunited with their parents
Thus here in the above statement, Alicia was with her mother in playing when her mother picked her up from the baby sitter. She ran towards her mother and happy is the example of secure attachment.