a living system is a system in an organism consisting of organs. each organs carry out different functions to ense life processes can be carried out effectively. The function of the organs are determined by the cells which make up the tissues. The connections are important to remove wastes/toxins out of the body and help absorb nutrienys, in some cases produce hormones as a form of homeostasis to ensure the body remains in a healthy optimised state constantly.
Compounds from different organisms are being used widely bu humans for their benefits. Some of the compounds are used as drugs. For example, penicillin is used as a drug or antibiotic. There are many plants which provides humans with other types of medicines and herbal remedies. There are other compounds which are used for cancer treatment. For example, taxol is a compound obtained from trees which are being used as anticancer drugs.
In a dominant cross, the chance of the dominant phenotype showing up in one of the offspring is 3/4, since the dominant genes are being shown here.
Intrusive rocks are coarse-grained in texture and crystallise slowly from magma deep in the earth's crust. Extrusive rocks are fine-grained in texture and crystallise quickly from lava on or near the earth's surface. The mineralogy determines the type of rock.
because humans, just like monkeys are mammals and part of the primate family