What happens when you click answer questions? If nothing happens, exit out or restart, it’s a glitch.
In sinusoidal functions or in waves, "phase" has two different, but closely related, meanings. One is the initial angle of a sinusoidal function at its origin and is sometimes called phase offset or phase difference. Another usage is the fraction of the wave cycle that has elapsed relative to the origin.
The answer for the following question is given as:
public static Temperature create(Sensor ob)
return new Temperature(ob.getReading());
In this we have create a static method of Temperature class which accept a 'Sensor' object and return the new 'Temperature' object that calls the 'getReading()' function This function returns the sensor's current reading.
Secure the personal information with complex multi-factor authentication and configure intrusion detection and prevention and a firewall.
Multi-factor authentication is a method of securing a client's personal information from the client's side to the data centre. It uses more than one security processes not policies. There key be three authentications process like a password, security token and biometrics or two authentications like password and biometrics or token.
The firewall and intrusion detection and prevention are vulnerability preventive method to detect and stop cyber attacks.