The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was deemed unconstitutional because white settlers had revoked the constitution of the Cherokee nation in Georgia, stating that Native Americans were subject to Georgia's state laws, not their own.
The Cherokee nation argued that they were an independent, or sovereign nation, so they were not subject to the laws of the state of Georgia. The Supreme Court agreed, saying that Georgia had no authority over the Cherokee people, who were a sovereign nation. The Cherokee people could only be subject to the authority of the federal government, not state or local.
Even though the Indian Removal Act was deemed unconstitutional, President Jackson disagreed and continued the policy of relocating tribes, stating that they were voluntary. History has shown that, in fact, there were forced removals under this act.
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
Connie is adjusting to her husband's death. Since she is not taking it well and forgetting or not doing basic things, she can be diagnosed with a depressed mood.
Authoritative parenting
According to Baumrind there are four types of parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, negligent, and permissive.
The authoritative parenting style tends to set clear expectations for the child along with adequate support and nurturing.
Reasons are given to the child for an expected behaviour. So the child tends to be disciplined and able to think for themselves even when the parents are not there.
Communication occurs constantly between the child and the parent.
The given scenario exemplifies this when Angela's parents express clearly what is expected from her and why. They are generally warm and supportive of her and do not hesitate to show her affection and respect. She generally behaves whether her parents are with her or not.
The fifteenth amendent of the US constitution