Atahualpa was the ruler of Quito and subsequently ruled the Inca Empire before Spanish conquest. During the Spanish conquest, Atahualpa offered to fill a large room with gold and silver as a ransom to regain his freedom and to avoid being killed by the Spaniards. Despite paying this ransom, Atahualpa was then executed by the conqueres as he was deemed too much of a liability. Before being executed he converted to Catholocism and was strangled to death.
When contrasting life-course persistent offenders with adolescent-limited offenders, researchers agree that: the causes and consequences of the two are very different.
One of the strongest correlates of crime is age, with a common empirical finding of an adolescent rise and peak of offending. One theory in particular, Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy, advances a specific hypothesis for the age–crime relationship, with a focus on a specific typology of offenders, adolescence-limited who offend for specific reasons during adolescence. This chapter reviews the adolescence-limited hypothesis relevant empirical research, and concludes with summary statements, challenges to Moffitt’s adolescence-limited hypothesis, and directions for future research.
There are other theories that have been developed to explain the rise and peak of adolescent offending. Patterson (1997) set out a learning model in which decreases in parents monitoring and supervision during adolescence lead adolescents to offend. Another explanation is Agnew’s (2003) integrated theory of the adolescent peak in offending. Recalling that adolescents are given only some adult privileges and responsibilities, Agnew believes that this has important effects on increasing delinquency among adolescents, including a decline in supervision increased social and academic demands participation in a larger, more diverse peer-oriented social world an increase in the desire for adult privileges, and reduced ability to cope in a legitimate manner and an increase in the disposition to cope in an illegitimate (delinquency/crime) manner to attain the adult privileges and goods they want
Learn more about contrasting life-course persistent offenders
Under the rules of the Commission on Presidential Debates, presidential candidates must earn the support of at least 15 percent of voters in national polls in order to join the televised debates; recent reports suggest that Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson may be getting close. With less than two months to go until the first debate, he is hitting between 8 and 11 percent in various national polls – still well behind the nominees of the Democratic and Republican parties, but enough to make an impact on the outcome.
Barbara Perry, the director of presidential studies at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center and co-chair of the center’s Presidential Oral History program, recently discussed the impact third parties have had over the years and how they might affect the 2020 election.
Yes she can recover damages for her emotional distress
The local mechanics negligence while repairing the mower is a reckless which caused the injury to the son and indirectly affecting the mother emotionally because of fear cause by injury o the son, so under common law which allows for individuals to recover for severe emotional distress caused by another individual due to his recklessness.