Answer: independent variable
Answer: Muscle fibers in bundles or fascicles.
Skeletal striated muscle is involved in dense unshaped connective tissue, the Epimysium. From the epimysium depart fine septa of connective tissue to the muscle, separating the bundles and constituting the perimysium, carrying blood vessels and lymphatics and nerves. Every muscle cell is involved in the basal lamina, reticular fibers and a small amount of connective tissue, which form the endomysium. It anchors muscle fibers between them and contains blood capillaries and axons.
Answer: D
Because the heavy plow and its traction team was expensive tool and individual peasant farmers were not able to own it, it brought collective ownership and patterns of communal agriculture and communal animal husbandry.
The heavy plough required more energy to pull this resulted several families coming together to pool their oxen to form a team large and strong enough to pull the heavy plow. The resulting “ox-gangs” became an important social group.
Sea turtle migration is the long distance movements of sea turtles. It may refer to adults or the offshore migration of hatchlings.
Rats - Virgin Island
Hemlock - Asia
Zebra moulds - Great Lakes
An alien species is one that was introduced into a new environment, but does not have harmful effects. Such alien species are considered invasive species as they begin to have harmful effects on the new habitat. Invasive species can cause damage to the ecosystem, economic harm or human health effects.
Three invasive species are as following:
- Rats that came on board ships to the Virgin Islands infested the islands' sugar cane fields and caused significant crop damage.
- The woolly adelgid hemlock is an invasive Asian insect which rapidly kills infested hemlock trees.
- Zebra moulds in the Great Lakes can easily cover submerged surfaces, obstructing water intakes at water treatment plants and power plants