Based on the information provided in this scenario it can be said that this is likely due to there being a cultural lag between having the Internet and using the technology to its full capacity. Cultural lag refers to the notion that culture takes time to catch up with technological innovations, mainly due to not everyone has access to the new technology. As years pass a specific technological advancement becomes more readily accessible to the wider public as is thus more widely adopted.
the role of an os or operating system is the program that executes everything and makes the computer usable hope this helps
When you print handouts, the presentation is printed with one or more slides on each piece of paper. When you print handouts, it's best to have the presentation printed on them for those who can not view the presentation clearly to follow along with. This also serves as a great tool for people who missed the presentation to receive a handout later or for those there to take home and review.
1.Extended border node (EBN)
2.Central directory server (CDS)
3.Branch extender (BEX or BrEx or BrNN)
Wiki is a web application that allows users to easily add and edit content on a web page.