Red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies. Then they make the return trip, taking carbon dioxide back to our lungs to be exhaled. Schedule an appointment.
<h2><u><em>Answer:</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>The best answer out of these would be choice When you're dealing with a scared dog, the one thing you shouldn't do is pat them on the top of their heads because they cannot see what you are doing and they become even more frightened and might even bite.
</em></u></h2><h2><u><em></em></u></h2><h2><u><em>Explanation:</em></u></h2><h2><u><em>I know this is wrong </em></u></h2>
The practice of pharmacy requires excellent knowledge of drugs, their mechanism of action, side effects, interactions, mobility, and toxicity. Pharmacy practice has played a very important role in building the trust of patients in the health care system, reducing treatment cost, achieving better health outcomes, reducing the risk of treatments and side effects of medication, safe access to the treatment and improved quality of life in many countries. Pharmacists are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize the use of medication for the benefit of the patients. Clinical pharmacists play a crucial role in different health care setups by evaluating and revising the medicines, medication history, dispensing errors, administration errors, analyzing drug interactions, pointing out the adverse drug reactions, exhorting individualization of dosage regimen, and contributing to patient's counseling. By participation in clinical discussions and ward rounds, the clinical pharmacists can help in identifying, preventing, and reducing drug interactions and other drug-related problems
Answer: "How much you have of a finished of a processed product."
google them.
Look up the definitions. The words will come up.