I don't know sorry sorry forgive me
A. Merit Pay - 2. Equity Theory
B. Gain sharing 3. Goal-setting Theory: Unit-Focused
C. Piece-Rate Systems 4. Goal-setting Theory: Individual-Focused
D. Recognition Awards 1. Expectancy Theory Instrumentality
E. Lump-Sum Bonuses 5. Extrinsic Motivation
Employee motivation is dependent on many factors. A person may be motivated just if his work is appreciated. He feels that his work is appreciated and for this reason he is motivated to perform better. Some people consider pay rise or monetary rewards as their motivation factor. Some people finds more authority as their motivating factor. They feel motivated if they are given more challenging work and more authority.
Because having inventories would mean the following:
1. Holding Inventory avoids loss of sales
2. Holding Inventory gains quantity discount
3. Holding Inventory reduces order cost 4. Achieve efficient production runs by holding inventory
5. Holding Inventory reduces risk of production shortages
Firstly, let look at the formula for calculating weighted average cost of capital (WACC):
WACC = (D/A) x r_D x (1-t) + (E/A) x r_E + (PE/A) x r_PE, where:
A: Market value of company asset;
D: Market value of company debt;
E: Market value of company equity;
PE: Market value of company preferred equity;
r_D: cost of debt;
r_E: cost of equity/retained earnings;
r_PE: cost of preferred equity;
t: tax rate
Putting all the numbers together, we have:
WACC = 35% x 6.5% x (1-25%) + 55% x 10.5% + 10% x 6% = 8.1%