- <u>evolution, adaptation
: </u>
Question: Which process in evolution makes organisms able to survive in their habitat?
Answer: Adaptation
Question: What is an outcome of observation generally called that enables to test hypotheses and theories?
Answer: Data
Question: What is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA called?
Answer: Gene
She could time how long it takes for each amount of salt dissolves in the waters. (as well as keep each amount of salt the same if she was not doing that already.)
This way, she could observe which water is best for dissolving solvents and which is most affective in the shortest amount of time. If she was not timing how long it takes for salt to dissolve in different temperatures of water, then the experiment may as well have been useless unless there is somehow a different objective.
Cephalopods are commonly known as inkfishes.
But cephalopods are not at all fishes. They are molluscs.
They belong to Class Cephalopoda of phylum Mollusca.
Like other molluscs, these are also soft bodied, but have a series of tentacles that actually developed from theprimitive foot.
Cephalopods have a well developed nervous system and have large bulging eyes.
Examples of cephalopods are, octopus, giant squid etc.
Considering all the above characteristics, we can conclude that the predator stated in the question is most likely to belong to the clade cephalopoda.
B. Mainly humid-continental with cool summers.
Thanks :)
Adaptive behavior includes socially responsible and independent performance of daily activities. However, the specific activities and skills needed may differ from setting to setting. When a student is going to school, school and academic skills are adaptive.