There is no evidence that olestra potato chip can couase cramping.
If your asking where Most people in cities get there water.
Then the answer is by delivery through pipes.
El Niño as evidence of potential dangers of global warming to marine ecosystems
El Nino, an abnormal type of weather pattern, causes huge climatic variations globally by bringing floods in one region and drought in another region. These extremely changing patterns in weather can damage human life, agriculture, air quality, natural ecosystems, etc all of which might lead to global warming.
El Nino effect is a serious potential danger to the marine life. This causes variations in the sea surface temperature, ocean currents, and upwelling patterns. Due to this, many marine organisms either migrate to newer places or do not survive the change.
Due to this, other sea animals depended on them also are depleted of their food source. El Nino also impacts the structure of coral reefs causing coral bleaching which in turn affects the marine life.
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