Mutualism between fungi and coniferous trees is most common in the forest biome.
Beneficial interaction between two organisms of two different species in which both the organisms take benefit from each other in some way from this interaction. This beneficial interaction is called mutualism. Fungi and coniferous trees form interaction which is beneficial for both the species. In this interaction, the fungi help in the production of new root tips and plant provide shelter and nutrition to the fungus.
The end product of transcription is RNA.
Buffers absorb the free hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions that result from chemical reactions. Because they can bond these ions, they prevent increases or decreases in pH. An example of a buffer system is the bicarbonate system in the human body.
Water will move into the cells.
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
These four elements—oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen—together make up more than 95 percent of the mass of the human body, and the body cannot make elements, so it is helpful to have them in consumables.