To learn how to take care of someone when it happens and learn how to successfully prevent them.
The answere is (D)
or els you can figure out the answere from this,
<span>The answer is Hodgkin's disease. Sickle cell anemia is when red blood cells are deformed into a sickle-like shape and can not carry blood properly. A gastric ulcer is self-explanatory. Cirrhosis is a disease of the liver that occurs when the liver is exposed to long-time damage.</span>
Nutrition is an important thing in regards to quality of life. With adequate nutrition your body will have the nutrients and vitamins that are vital in keeping the homeostasis of our bodies intact, and when this happens, you are feel good. However without adequate nutrition you are predisposed towards diseases that result directly from the lack of adequate nutrition (Like Bari-Bari if you lack Vitamin b12) or your body is inadequate when fighting illnesses like the flu because it doesn't have the energy and nutrition required to help fight.
so percentage is. no of boys/total number X 100
so 10/24 X 100 is 42 percent
so for girls
100-42 is 58 percent
58 percent for girls