We first need to convert this into a proper fraction. Which means that the denominator must be larger than the numerator for it to be proper. Also, since 1615 is BIGGER than 170, we will end up with a mixed fraction. A mixed fraction always has a whole number.
1615 can go into 170 how many times?
9 times
170*9 = 1530
Now subtract.
1615 - 1530 = 85
Now we have our mixed fraction: 9 85/170
Now we must simplify the fraction.
85/5 = 17
170/5 = 34
17/34 is the smallest possible fraction we can get.
9 17/34
Final answer:
The answer is -18 and above (that's negative, basically -17,-16, -15,-14,-13,-12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5,-4, -3, -2, -1).
Answer: $3.60
Step-by-step explanation:
If you need 4.8 kilograms of potatoes and each kilograms costs $0.75, then we should multiply 0.75 by 4.8 to find the cost of 4.8 kilograms of potatoes.
4.8 x 0.75 = 3.6.
Therefore, the cost of 4.8 kilograms is $3.60 dollars. I hope this helps, and good luck!