Augmentative communication strategies may include the use of picture books and computer assisted devices that help people with expressive difficulties overcome the frustration of being unable to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and desire to other people.
Well at the beginning the British didn't want any Jewish Immagrants they tear gassed some who tried to get in. But the world noticed Britain apologized for its actions and accepted some Jewish Immagrants.
Marty sleeps on the couch in that book :)
Oprah Winfrey is classified as one
An attribution is <u>the way where by we link up behavior of a person to the cause of that behavior.</u> .The type of attribution based on personal characteristics is called a <u>INTERNA</u><u>L</u> attribution while an attribution based on the situation is called an <u>EXTERNAL</u> attribution.
Attribution has to do with the inferences individuals make about a particular behavior and the causes. Making attributions enable one to have more meaning about the experience that has occurred.
INTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: is the type of attribution that is based on whether the individual behavior is as a result of the personal factors of the person. Such factors can include traits, personality or effort.
EXTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: that the behavior of a person is as result of external factors that are foreign to the individual who perform the act.