Parents have many responsibilities to their children, these responsibility must be taken seriously in order to keep the children in the right path. The parental responsibility that I will personally found very interesting is teaching my children how to do different stuffs. Like teaching them cook different dishes and cookies or teaching them to play different games or teaching them funny tricks in mathematics.
9:3: 3:1 is the phenotypic ratio showing traits as black and long hair : black and short hair: chestnut and long hair: chestnut and short hair when a chestnut horse heterozygous for pacing and hair length with a hybrid horse.
Dominant trait = black hair colour (BB,Bb), trotting (TT,Tt) , long hair (LL,Ll)
recessive trait = chesnut hair colour (bb), pacing gait (tt), short hair(ll)
cross between chestnut horse heterozygous for pacing and hair length will have alleles as BbLl
alleles for hybrid horse will also be heterozygous Bb, Ll
Punnett square to show the cross:
BL Bl bL bl
Bl BBLl BBll BbLl Bbll
bL BbLL BbLl bbLL bbLl
bl BbLl Bbll bblL bbll
phenotype ratio
black and long hair : black and short hair: chestnut and long hair: chestnut and short hair
9:3: 3:1 is the phenotype ratio.
People starting to eat healthy
The green pigment traps energy