The third-quarter moon, also known as the last quarter moon, rises around midnight and sets around noon. Crescent Waning From our vantage point, the Moon is nearly back to the point in its orbit where its dayside directly faces the Sun, and all we see is a thin curve
When you look at a waxing crescent moon, you see a thin fraction of the moon's illuminated side and a larger fraction of the moon's night side, which is submerged in the moon's own shadow. Earthshine on a waxing crescent moon
The Decline The Gibbous phase occurs when the illuminated portion of the Moon decreases from 99.9 percent to 50.1 percent. It begins shortly after the Full Moon and continues until the Third Quarter Moon. Waning refers to the fact that it is shrinking and becoming smaller, whereas gibbous refers to the oval-to-round shape.
Hope this helps you!
True, your legs are examples of levers.
1. True
2. True
3. False, they have 46
4. False, they inherit traits from both parents
5. True
6. False, rice has 12 pairs of chromsomes and flies have 4 so not all orangisms have the same number of chromosomes
7. True (not too confident with this one though)
8. False, a body cell has 46 while gametes have 23
9. False
10. True
I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you’re asking, if I can be of assistance let me know.
By using both of these schemes, energy source and locomotion, amoeboids can be classified properly. Both schemes play an important part of amoeboid’s taxonomy classification because these organisms changes its shape when feeding. Amoebas are traditionally classified under sub-phylum Sarcodina, single-celled with pseudopods (use for locomotion) but recent studies show that they are not monophyletic and actually belong to other groups of organisms — with locomotion and source of nutrients as basis.