Uno de los progenitores es heterocigoto para color naranja (Nn) y el otro parental es homocigoto recesivo para gris (nn). Al haber una cruza entre un homocigoto recesivo y un heterocigoto, la 50% de la progenie expresa color naranja (Nn), mientras que el otro 50% expresa color gris (nn).
<u>Datos disponibles:</u>
- Cruce entre peces naranjas y peces grises
- 50% de la F1 son peces grises
- Naranja dominante sobre gris
Podemos nombrar el alelo dominante para color naranja <em>N</em>, y al alelo recesivo para color gris <em>n</em>.
Para que en un cruce entre dos fenotipos distintos, el 50% de la primer camada exprese uno de estos fenotipos, entonces uno de los parentales debe ser heterocigoto, mientras que el otro parental debe ser homocigoto recesivo. De esta forma 50% de la primera generación expresara uno de los fenotipos, mientras que el otro 50% expresará el otro fenotipo.
Supongamos que uno de los parentales lleva el genotipo <em>Nn</em>, y el otro parental es <em>nn</em>.
Parental) Nn x nn
Gametas) N n n n
Fenotipos) Naranja Gris
Cuadro de Punnett) N n
n Nn nn
n Nn nn
F1) 2/4 = 1/2 = 50% de la progenie tendrá genotipo heterocigoto, Nn
2/4 = 1/2 = 50% de la progenie tendrá genotipo homocigota recesivo,
50% de la progenie será color naranja (Nn)
50% de la progenie será color gris (nn)
Peter is viewing a prepared slide with the 40X objective. His view is
shown below. Unfortunately, the label in the slide has been torn off,
so he is not sure what he is looking at. Based on his observation
alone, can Peter identify the type of organism that these cells come
from? Why or why not?
Yes, Peter will identify identify the organism as label would not deter its identification. Reason being that diagram without labeling would not nullify identification of my organism
<span>Natural selection is likely when there are stronger selection pressures. For example, a perpetual selection pressure is the fact that organisms have to compete for food and resources, meaning the best adapted ones survive. However, a stronger selection pressure may cause natural selection to occur more obviously. An example of this is when the number of white peppered moths decreased during industrialization in England due to the soot collecting on the trees. The change in population was very fast and obvious.</span>
They were imported from China into the United States in 1881.
The first successful release was in Minnesota in 1916.
Hope this helps! :)
D. Selection has led to decreases in the size of fish at the age of reproductive maturity.
The larger body size of the fishes is not an adaptive trait as it reduces the survival chances of these fishes. The process of natural selection tends to increase the frequency of the traits that increase the survival fitness of the organisms. Here, the fishes with smaller body size at the reproductive age have greater chances of survival and would reproduce more to leave more progeny. Over the generations, the selection pressure would increase the proportion of fishes that are smaller during reproductive age.