There are different ideas of how humans came to be, depending on if you’re going from a scientific or religious point of view.
For instance, scientifically, humans evolved from Chimpanzees. This is further supported by similar genetic make up as well as intelligence an actions.
Religiously, Christianity specifically, states that humans were made by God - specifically Adam and Eve.
Different perspectives, different answers.
However, if you’re asking for human make up, start with the basics of atoms and go up through layers of systems.
Hope this helps!
In human audition, the vibration of the ossicles is triggered by the vibration of the tympanic membrane (the eardrum) and transmitted directly to the fluid and membranes of the inner ear.
The inner ear is shaped like a snail with a thousands of tiny hair cells in it and it is called the cochlea. Hair cells change the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain through the auditory nerve.
Antelopes play an important role in the ecosystems they are a part of. Like many other species, they help maintain biodiversity, which will ensure sustainability for all organisms in the ecosystem. The natural predators that feed off of antelopes, for example, would lose their source of food.
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