Pretty sure it is verdict
Pioneer settlers were sometimes pulled west because they wanted to make a better living. Others received letters from friends or family members who had moved west. These letters often told about a good life on the frontier. The biggest factor that pulled pioneers west was the opportunity to buy land.
She was 51 when she died. So since that was in 2007. Maybe she is 60?
Journalism in third world countries can flip the ideas and things that are actually happening to make others believe something else. If the government doesn't want something to get out they can stop it from getting out and even make the news sound good.
Certain unalienable rights mean certain right can never be taken away.
Option D
Unalienable rights are the rights that are given to a person as a birthright. These rights cannot be denied by any means nor can the individual give them up by choice.
In the drafts of The Declaration of Independence, many drafts mention passages about how the 'Creator' has given undeniable rights to all individuals. One such right as mentioned in the drafts is 'the liberty to life and enjoying it'. The passage further explains that these rights cannot be given up by us nor denied to us as they are a part of us. They help in defining the person that we become through the course of our life.