7.9168 x 10^8
790000000 + 1680000 = 791680000
Your answer for F will be 13.
Step-by-step explanation:
Take 11.2 and add it to 1.8, and you will get 13 and 13 will be the variable (f). So, f (13) - 1.8 = 11.2
Hope this helps! :D
The cost of 1000 bushels is $9790
Step-by-step explanation:
per bushel
Determine the cost of 1000 bushels
If 1 bushel costs $9.79,
Then 1000 costs:

D = L/k
Step-by-step explanation:
Since A represents the amount of litter present in grams per square meter as a function of time in years, the net rate of litter present is
dA/dt = in flow - out flow
Since litter falls at a constant rate of L grams per square meter per year, in flow = L
Since litter decays at a constant proportional rate of k per year, the total amount of litter decay per square meter per year is A × k = Ak = out flow
dA/dt = in flow - out flow
dA/dt = L - Ak
Separating the variables, we have
dA/(L - Ak) = dt
Integrating, we have
∫-kdA/-k(L - Ak) = ∫dt
1/k∫-kdA/(L - Ak) = ∫dt
1/k㏑(L - Ak) = t + C
㏑(L - Ak) = kt + kC
㏑(L - Ak) = kt + C' (C' = kC)
taking exponents of both sides, we have

When t = 0, A(0) = 0 (since the forest floor is initially clear)

So, D = R - A =

when t = 0(at initial time), the initial value of D =