a cognitive map.
Cognitive map: In psychology, the term cognitive map is also referred to as mental model or mental map, and is defined as a form of a mental representation that helps a person to gain, recall, code, store, and decode a particular information related to the relative attributes and locations of specific phenomena in his or her metaphorical or day-to-day spatial environment. It is considered as a small part in an individual's spatial cognition.
In the question above, considering the given situation George has reached Ryan’s by using a cognitive map.
Losing telephone privileges for breaking curfew
Punishment by removal is also called Negative removal. It involves the removal of a good and very pleasant stimulus after a repulsive or displeasing behavior has been exhibited. The aim of the punishment is to reduce such behavior. The punishment is usually meted out to children in a bid to correct them knowing fully well if they exhibit such behavior again then such privileges will be taken away from them.
Yes they do the government does little to help kids while they are in their growing process
Well I can tell you Germany goes for air pollution,srry the other two idk.