1. Cinder cones develop from explosive eruptions of mafic (heavy, dark ferromagnesian) and intermediate lavas and are often found along the flanks of shield volcanoes. The outside of the cone is often inclined at about 30°, the angle of repose (the slope at which the loose cinder can stand in equilibrium).
2. Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) is a numeric scale that measures the relative explosivity of historic eruptions. Volume of products, eruption cloud height, and qualitative observations (using terms ranging from "gentle" to "mega-colossal") are used to determine the explosivity value. The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) was derived to catalogue the explosive magnitude of historical eruptions, based on the order of magnitude of erupted mass, and gives a general indication as to the height the eruptive column reached.
There were millions of people helped by the CCC. The CCC is also known as Civilian Conservation Corps. Stanley Watson's life was improved because he got a job and enrolled in college. He finished college with a good degree and got a great job.
The lack of surfactant compound would result in respiratory distress because Surfactant enables the lungs to expand more easily which allows easiness in respiration. Without surfactant, the air sacs in the lungs will collapse very easily. This collapse leads to decreased amounts of air or oxygen in the lungs which makes it very difficult for the people or infant to breathe.