A ship carrying predominantly Sikh migrants that unsuccessfully challenged existing immigration policies restricting migration from Asia
Answer: <em>Option (B) is correct.</em>
Cultural leadership is known as the act under which one leads the cultural sector. It is derived from many individual and thus can be utilized in several ways. It mostly concerns directors and managers in several cultural institutions where top hierarchical officials develop and implement policy for their cultural sector and also consists of diverse range of innovators, producers and entrepreneurs in organization, production teams and houses.
B is the correct answer.
Business and Investment interests are backed by, well, businesspeople and investors whose primary occupation is the making of money.
As a result, those interests are often backed by more money than, say, supporters of Dolphins. Dolphins just don't make money the way that Hedge Funds do.
<span>There is a decrease in fertility, which directly affects sexual desire and interest in one's partner/mate.</span>
Explanation: validity shows an indication of how sound your research is. Specification speaking , it applies to both the design and the methods of your research. When considering data collection validity means that your findings truly represent the situation you are claiming to measure.